
Chaldean Community Foundation Awarded Grant from Vera and Joseph Dresner Foundation

Grant to Chaldean Community Foundation’s Pathway to Prosperity Supports New Americans, Low-Income Families and Disabled Individuals FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sterling Heights, MI - The Chaldean Community Foundation has received a $20,000 grant from the Vera and Joseph Dresner Foundation to support its Pathway to Prosperity program, for educational town halls, career fairs and...

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declares Chaldean-American Month in the State of Michigan

Governor Gretchen Whitmer declared the month of April as Chaldean-American Month in the State of Michigan. The proclamation recognizes Chaldeans, Assyrians, and Syriacs as a Semitic people indigenous to Mesopotamia. “Collectively, there are nearly half a million Chaldeans/Assyrians/Syriacs in the United States, including about 160,000 in Michigan, the largest concentration in...

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